SESSION ABSTRACTS Listed in alphabetical order by the lead presenter’s last name
Engaging Students at the Interface Between Science and Society
Vincenzo Antignani - Bob Jones University
Develop a classroom experience that produces active thinkers to impact society and culture.
Abstract: Teaching a STEM course requires constant revision and updates with a particular attention to topics that have a deep impact on the society and culture. Our responsibility as teachers is to present these topics in a way that engages the mind and promotes critical understanding, but when it comes to cutting-edge science and technological applications, our default mode is to digest the “difficult information” for them under the assumption that they are unable to handle the task by themselves. By doing so, we are in reality preventing them from developing a very important part of the critical thinking process, the ability to recognize and extrapolate essential principles out of a complex scenario. We can get our students to walk the journey by leveraging on issues that have a natural appeal, such as issues at the interface between ethics and technology.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Experience what the average student experiences when challenged by a reading assignment that stretches the current level of knowledge, and gain insights on on how to address these challenges. (2) Be familiar with a type of summative assessment that leverages on topics that are socially compelling as means to deliver scientifically relevant knowledge. (3) Identify topics in their field of expertise that can become the subject for the writing of a secondary literature blog-like article in their own discipline.
Concurrent Sessions:
It’s 50 miles to Monrovia: Nurturing Engaged Global Citizens in a History Classroom
Arnab Banerji - Loyola Marymount University
The presentation is an exploration of engaged learning strategies that create a more immersive environment in a history classroom while not compromising on range, depth, and rigor.
Abstract: History and area studies classes are typically imagined as specialized courses which would normally feature the humdrum lecture, the occasional viewing, and rigorous memory recall assessment. This presentation shatters this myth by introducing the audience to an immersive history classroom where students are not only encouraged but are required to engage hands on with history and historiography. As the presentation will demonstrate, the engaged learning strategies adopted for this class has prompted encouraging student responses and engagement with a subject that is usually misconstrued as a “boring.”
Learning Outcomes: (1) Curate exercises that require active and engaged student participation. (2) Understand the value of compromising breadth of content to achieve depth of discussion and analysis. (3) Stray off the beaten path of canons and master narratives and chart curriculums that prompt inquiry rather than passive absorption of one-sided facts.
Using Gap Analysis in the Classroom
Michelle Bartlett - North Carolina State University
This presentation will discuss strategies on how to incorporate Gap Analysis for student engagement with course content and increased labor market outcomes.
Abstract: Gap Analysis is widely used to determine training needs for the creation of professional development. As part of assessment in the ADDIE model, it is helpful to know the gap in needed knowledge to design effective training for a known audience. This session will cover the importance of using Gap Analysis in the classroom. Also, two ways to use Gap Analysis in the classroom will be discussed: how to use Gap Analysis to increase student engagement with course content and how to use gap analysis for student’s resumes/CV’s to plan for using class assignment to increase marketability.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Determine the importance of using Gap Analysis in the classroom. (2) Identify strategies to incorporate using Gap Analysis in the classroom. (3) Develop their own Gap Analysis project to use in their class.
Online Assignment Design Workshop Charrettes Using VoiceThread
Caitlin Bergendahl - Virginia Commonwealth University
This session will explore an asynchronous assignment design charrette model developed to accommodate busy faculty schedules or those who may not be on campus.
Abstract: Assignment design charrette workshops help to create intentionally designed assignments through a faculty-driven collaborative peer review process. The goal of this work is to promote a faculty-centered approach to assessment resulting in improved student outcomes. Charrettes typically require a large time commitment, however, which can present a barrier to busy faculty. This model utilizes VoiceThread, a video enhanced online engagement tool, for asynchronous participation in assignment design work.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Explore how assignment design charrettes can improve student learning. (2) Demonstrate how VoiceThread can be used to create online community. (3) Develop an asynchronous assignment charrette at their own institution.
Designing Courses so the Quiet, Meek, and Humble Can Inherit the Classroom
Michael Berntsen - University of North Carolina, Pembroke
I will discuss how teachers can use various techniques to help silent students participate in any course and succeed.
Abstract: The entire space of a traditional classroom is designed without regard for introverts and people who like being silent, given the stage area for the teacher and the closeness of the desks. The Socratic Method, the call-and-response dynamic, and group discussions on which many instructors rely can create further instances that ignore people who prefer to be silent or quiet. I will discuss how I use a variety of in-class and online exercises to compensate for the preference of extroverts as well as how I have made important adjustments to assessing participation in order to increase engagement for quite-leaning students.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Apply new ways of motivating student participation within classes. (2) Use practical assessment tools for grading students’ classroom performance. (3) Establish more student-engaged approaches to creating student assessments.
A Case Study In Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning
Michelle Boettcher and Leslie Lewis - Clemson University
This session highlights strategies including risk-taking, trust building, reflection, and being fully present in learning environments as a means to enhance teaching, learning and community.
Abstract: Bringing together faculty, staff, and students from all disciplines and from multiple institutions to talk about teaching and learning enhances continuous improvement in teaching and learning. Identifying settings / locations that afford space for participants to connect in meaningful ways around how to more fully engage students in the learning process is also important. This session will focus on strategies that are transferable not only to individual campuses but also to the classroom itself. Centering trust and transparency in the learning process is at the core of effective teaching. Participants will come away with specific strategies to employ in their learning spaces and at their institutions.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Utilize specific strategies to enhance trust and risk-taking in the learning environment. (2) Facilitate meaningful community building activities to foster student learning and engagement. (3) Implement specific strategies to replicate campus-wide teaching and learning development activities.
Outside-In: Bringing the Community into the Classroom Through Immersive Learning
Christopher Born - William Peace University
Teaching “outside-in” advocates partnering with business and community organizations to develop impactful learning activities and establish competencies needed for long-term student success.
Abstract: Designing classes “outside-in” utilizes academic partnerships with business and community organizations as a starting point to identify the skills and proficiencies needed for students to be successful beyond their degree. Incorporating real-world projects, case studies, and scenarios from the field highlight the need to develop identified competencies (and achieve learning objectives) in order to be successful. The problem-solving, project-based process encourages creativity and application of various skills even outside the particular discipline. The process and feedback loop facilitate quick changes to course design and produce deep learning through the completion of meaningful activities that convey the value of learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Articulate “outside-in teaching” and note the range of course activities that immerse learners in their subjects. (2) Explore ways to teach “outside-in” and bridge the gap between course and community. (3) Identify potential partnerships to initiate immersive learning across the curriculum.
Using Devices in the Classroom to Engage Students and Revitalize Teaching
Julie Campbell - Illinois State University
How can instructors compete with the world of social media? Make connections with students by relating to them through their primary mode of communication: devices.
Abstract: Previous research has shown that students report using their devices even if the use of devices has been forbidden. An alternative is to require students to use their device to participate in class, thus decreasing the probability of using the device for other purposes. This session will present recent research that compared student response rates in a classroom that used Nearpod vs. PowerPoint and offer ideas about how to use Nearpod to revitalize your curriculum. Learn how to transform your teaching strategies and make new connections with students by relating to them through their primary mode of communication: devices.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand a new way to engage students in the classroom. (2) Use Nearpod on their own device. (3) Create a lesson using Nearpod.
Utilizing TEAMMATES as a Well to Effectively and Efficiently Administer Team Peer Feedback
Angela Clauson - Belmont University
The use of TEAMMATES has significantly decreased the work load previously dedicated to providing anonymous peer assessments to students in a team-based learning course.
Abstract: In team-based learning, peer assessment is an essential part of the learning process. When a course utilizes graded team activities, the fairness in grading to all members of the team is questioned. Distributing peer feedback to the team members is a part of the learning process. Protecting the anonymity of the feedback is important, but also increases the burden on the professor. Incorporating TEAMMATES into our process for facilitating and delivering peer assessments to our students has had a significant impact. Faculty no longer have the burden of de-identifying evaluations, and students receive their peer assessments in a timely fashion.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize the utility in using TEAMMATES to facilitate anonymous peer assessment. (2) Discuss other uses of TEAMMATES in providing evaluation resources. (3) Discuss ways that TEAMMATES can be incorporated into your course.
What Is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning? Seven Steps to Engage and Produce It
Milt Cox - Miami University
Participants will discuss seven steps that can help them find and design a teaching and learning project that could become a SoTL presentation and publication.
Abstract: There is a new discipline in higher education that features the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). The presenter of this workshop is an editor-in-chief of a journal that publishes the scholarship of teaching and learning. He will define and discuss the ongoing cycle of scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. In addition, participants will discuss seven steps that can transform a teaching, learning, or institutional problem or opportunity into SoTL. We will discuss a template that can assist the planning of a SoTL project that could lead to a SoTL publication.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe the ongoing cycle of scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. (2) Describe 7 steps that can help find and design a teaching and learning project that may lead to a SoTL presentation and publication. (3) Describe examples of SoTL projects and presentations.
Using VoiceThread to Enhance Backward Design
Chrystal Dean - Appalachian State University
Building on Backward Design, I will delineate how I used VoiceThread as a support in my Hybrid (50% face-to-face; 50% asynchronous online) Mathematics Methods course
Abstract: I use what I am calling Backward Design Plus, where one must consider the environment (face-to-face, hybrid, fully online, etc.) for the macro level design instructional decisions. These macro design decisions influence the tools (texts, technology, etc) used at the micro level. In my presentation I will give specific examples of design decisions at the macro level, a typical design cycle at the micro level, and VoiceThread applications that moved these decisions forward.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Distinguish how the backward design framework must be augmented for online instruction. (2) Differentiate VoiceThread from other “video discussion forum” platforms/products such as FlipGrid. (3) Delineate affordances and constraints of using VoiceThread in an attempt to meet pedagogical goals.
Learning by Teaching Children: Improving Students’ Self-Perceptions from Writing Children’s Books
Amber DeBono - Winston-Salem State University
Abnormal Behavior students wrote a children’s book and read them to local families. Students’ self-efficacy was measured before and after this children’s book project.
Abstract: An innovative service learning project was developed for an Abnormal Psychology course – writing a children’s book about a psychological disorder. Students researched their assigned disorder and worked in groups to write and illustrate their books. The books were professionally printed and students read them to local families on Final Exam Day during Mental Health Awareness month. Pre and post-test measures for interest in schoolwork, academic self-esteem, and self-efficacy were administered. Results from repeated-measures analyses will demonstrate the effectiveness of this service learning project. Specifically, we hope to better understand how this project affects interest in school work and self-perceptions.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand the impact of the children’s book assignment on self-efficacy, academic self-esteem, and interest in school work. (2) Implement a children’s book assignment in their own courses. (3) Explain the pros and cons for including a children’s book assignment.
The Sleep Habits of College Students and How They Impact Their Health and Academic Performance
Terrance Doyle and Jessica Meekes - Ferris State University and East Carolina University
We share the research on how sleep loss impacts students’ physical, mental, emotional and academic health and how to help them develop better sleep habits.
Abstract: The effects sleep loss has on students’ physical, mental, emotional and academic well-being is one of the most researched topics among sleep scientist. This session will share the key research findings that detail the ways in which sleep loss impacts student’s well-being, research on the sleep habits of students including findings from a study conducted among voice students in 2019 and suggestions on how to help students improve their sleep habits. Students need to know that poor sleep habits are a leading cause of academic failure.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize the symptoms of sleep loss among their students. (2) Help their students understand how their sleep habits are impacting their health and academic success. (3) Gain great insight into the effects their own sleep habits may be having on their health and well-being.
Story-Time on Campus: Using Children’s Literature to Foster Student Engagement
Christine Draper and Michelle Reidel - Nevada State College and Georgia Southern University
Children’s literature can be a powerful tool for intellectually and emotionally engaging students with critical issues in the both the humanities and the social sciences.
Abstract: The study of complex political, economic and social/cultural issues challenges students to engage with knowledge that threatens their world view and their sense of themselves (Boler, 1999; Zemblyas, 2015). Wang (2005) suggests that we need “to travel with our students to ‘difficult knowledge’ in emotionally-sustainable ways” (p.45) and children’s literature is one resource we can utilize to achieve this goal. In this session we address the research behind utilizing children’s literature in college classrooms, identify strategies for engaging students with the literature and share resources to help faculty locate relevant, high quality children’s literature they can use with their students.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize/understand how children’s literature can provide a powerful context to discuss critical issues in both the humanities and the social sciences. (2) Understand the research that supports the use of children’s literature to harness the power of emotions in college classrooms. (3) Learn about resources for locating quality children’s and young adult literature in their content areas.
Focus Your Lecture with the One-Sentence Lesson Plan
Norman Eng - City College of New York, CUNY
The One-Sentence Lesson Plan helps new faculty plan lectures more systematically by defining three areas: the “what” (content), the “how” (approach), and the “why” (purpose).
Abstract: Most new faculty are not trained to teach. They tend to cover lots of content despite the fact that students forget most of what they learn. The better approach is to emphasize deep processing, interaction, and purpose, according to research. But how can new instructors incorporate these three elements in a systematic way? The one-sentence lesson plan template offers a straightforward approach, by helping instructors define the “what” (the most important piece of content or skill to learn), the “how” (how students will learn that content or skill), and the “why” (the purpose of learning it).
Learning Outcomes: (1) Think more from a “learner” mindset than a typical “teacher” mindset. (2) Explore ideas that answer the what, the how, and the why for their particular lesson topic. (3) Put together a complete one-sentence lesson plan for their lecture.
What’s the Best Way to Structure Your Lecture?
Norman Eng - City College of New York, CUNY
Effective lectures engage students by helping them process content deeply. This session reveals three proven formats to structure your lessons, depending on your objective.
Abstract: Many of us don’t have time or the expertise to plan high-quality lessons. So, we resort to “covering” the topic as best as we can. Yet we know this rarely motivates learners. What if instead there were proven formats we could easily refer to and implement—and flexible enough to accommodate a wide range of disciplines, courses, and topics? In this session, the presenter will demonstrate three simple ways to structure your lessons systematically and consistently. Each one incorporates specific opportunities to engage learners. And with three options, you’ll be sure to find one that fits your instructional needs.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Define a clear and focused lesson objective. (2) Determine which format(s) can work in their course. (3) Develop an engaging lesson plan using one of the three formats.
Breaking Silos: Cross- and Interdisciplinary STEM
Emily Faulconer - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Ideas for infusing knowledge, methods, and perspectives from across STEM disciplines and beyond into an introductory online science course.
Abstract: To help support well-rounded graduates, it is increasingly important to break the silos between disciplines. There has been some attention in the literature to interdisciplinary STEM and reading skills in the sciences but very little attention has been given to humanities within STEM courses. This presentation will discuss methods used in an introductory chemistry course to blend in mathematics, engineering, environmental science, art, humanities, and more. The goal of this project was to positively impact student perceptions of the course itself, connections of the course to other disciplines, and real world connections.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe the importance of integrated STEM. (2) Identify integrations for courses you teach. (3) Generalize the findings from the case study data presented.
Help One More Student Stay
Marianne Fontes - Harper College
If you could make a small change in your classroom that increases the likelihood that fewer students will drop, would you try it? Join me as we discuss how a small change can translate into something BIG.
Abstract: Sometimes the most difficult challenge on a campus is encouraging faculty to try something new. Twenty faculty members took on the challenge of “Helping One More Student Stay” and agreed to make a small change in their classes. Most faculty were long-time educators who had not made a change in 20 years! The results surprised everyone, especially our most seasoned participants. A bonus was higher student participation, communication, and retention. In this session, you will gain insight into the process of increasing faculty engagement and enthusiasm on your campus and explore strategies to improve participation, communication, and retention in your classes.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Implement a small, positive, student-centered change in their classes. (2) Develop a pilot similar to the Help One More Student Stay program. (3) Increase faculty engagement on their campuses.
Creating High Impact Learning Experiences Through the Use of a Model for Equity and Evidence-Based Teaching
Stephanie Foote - Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education
This session will describe how faculty can take an equity and evidence-based approach to identify and implement pedagogies that foster high impact experiences for students.
Abstract: This session will describe how faculty can take an evidence-based approach to identify and implement pedagogies that foster high impact or deep learning experiences for students. Specifically, the presenters will describe the Model for Equity and Evidence-Based Teaching and walk participants through the various components. Next, they will share case studies that highlight how the model has been applied to redesign gateway or foundational courses in various disciplines, as well as the outcomes of those efforts. Finally, the presenters will engage participants in an exercise in which they apply the stages of the model to their own courses.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe components of the Model for Equity and Evidence-Based Practices. (2) Differentiate sources of evidence that may be collected and used to understand student learning outcomes. (3) Evaluate current promising practices through case studies and develop a preliminary plan to apply the model to their own course redesign process.
Making Active Learning Work in Fully or Partially Online Classes
Stephanie Foote - Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education
This session will describe the intentional approach two instructors have taken to incorporate different forms of active learning in their online and blended first-year courses.
Abstract: While the impact of active learning is documented, there is an absence of research on these teaching and learning approaches in online and hybrid courses. This session will describe the intentional approach two instructors have taken to incorporate different forms of active learning in their online and blended first-year and upper-level courses.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe considerations necessary to intentionally incorporate active learning in online or hybrid courses. (2) Evaluate examples of active learning strategies to determine what will be most appropriate for their course(s). (3) Develop a preliminary plan to intentionally incorporate these strategies and approaches into their own online or hybrid courses.
Using Mind-Brain Education to Create Transformative Learning Opportunities
Rachelle Franz and Tyler Weldon - University of Central Oklahoma
Participants will gain new theoretical understandings about the mind/body connection and engage with related transformative learning (TL) applications to build more TL experiences in classrooms.
Abstract: As educators have tried to understand the practical applications of recent advances in neuroscience, concepts such as “neuropedagogy” have developed to help teachers and others understand the intersection of neuroscience and education. Much of this new thinking is focused on debunking the many neuromyths that still circulate in classrooms and the faculty lounge. Further research is needed to develop neuropedagogy consistent with contemporary evidence, particularly in institutions of higher education. Participants will gain new theoretical understandings about the mind brain education and engage with related transformative learning (TL) applications to build more TL experiences in the classrooms. We will discuss research based classroom strategies that have the potential to launch transformative learning by engaging the whole student.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Design MBE learning strategies to use in their classroom. (2) Engage students in a transformative learning approach to teaching and learning. (3) Identify Neuro-Myths that often influence practices in education.
Engaging Students with Inquiry-Based Learning and Research
Monica Frees - Ferris State University
Many students do not know what it means to come to class “inquisitive and prepared” but through Inquiry-Based Learning assignments students transition into engaged learners.
Abstract: Faculty want students to read course material, make connections, become engaged, and develop self-directed learning techniques. This “hands-on” session will show instructors how to help students interact with the course materials through the use of Inquiry-Based Learning assignments. The session will provide immediate examples that can be used in the next class session. It will allow the instructors to see instantly if the students’ understand the material, allow teachers to give immediate feedback to the students, and can be used for assessment purposes. Participants will create and share an Inquiry-Based assignment they can use in their own class.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize components of Inquiry-Based Learning in order to apply it to their own courses. (2) Participate in and apply Inquiry-Based activities to an assignment. (3) Create an Inquiry-Based assignment they can use in their own class and share it with the larger group.
Student Preparedness Incorporated into the Course Design
Bob Gillette - University of Kentucky
Prepared students are not a mirage. Your students will come to class prepared, but it requires a different course design. Your teaching will be invigorated.
Abstract: Students, in class and prepared to learn, is a fundamental challenge in every educational program at every educational institution. Regardless of how you structure the use of class time, whether with lectures, group work, or even flipping the class, a key component for student success comes down to students showing up for class prepared to do the work. In this session, I present a course design where students do prepare in advance for class by using Class Preparation Assignments (CPAs) to both inform and stimulate class discussion. CPAs use a definitional grading system that makes being prepared for class non-negotiable.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Design a course using an interactive teaching model where students come to class prepared and class time is used for higher-level thinking and skill development. (2) Design a definitional grading system for any course with one of the categories being student preparation for class. (3) Write class preparation assignments to guide students in their reading assignments and to inform and stimulate class discussion.
“Where Do I Start?”: Fostering Initial Engagement in Online Courses
Peter Hessling, Michelle Bartlett, and Carol Warren - North Carolina State University
This presentation will discuss strategies for initial class engagement and early course student confusion, fears, and possible lack of enthusiasm in online course environments.
Abstract: Students in online course environments are often nervous, especially if they are new to online learning; however, even seasoned online learners are nervous at the start of an online course (McKenna, Finamore, Hewitt, Watson, Milliam, and Reinhardt, 2018). Fostering clarity and initial engagement for students in online courses will help put students at ease. Angelino, Williams, & Natvig (2007) found that it is best to engage online learners early and often. This presentation focuses on that vital early engagement with students in order to create an engaged climate of trust to decrease student’s confusion and fears and to increase enthusiasm in the course. Using welcome letters, video introduction, online course orientation, and other strategies will be discussed in an active presentation.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Determine the importance of having initial class engagement. (2) Identify strategies for initial class engagement. (3) Discriminate which initial class engagement strategies they would like to integrate into their own online courses.
Using Starter Questions and Whiteboards to Increase Student Engagement
Alesia Jennings - Western Carolina University
Students engage in active learning in the classroom by using Starter Questions and individual Whiteboards.
Abstract: A dynamic lecture environment can be created by engaging students with Starter Questions from the moment they enter the classroom. Starter Questions can allow you to review previous lecture material or gauge a student’s knowledge of upcoming material. This engagement can be continued throughout the class period by using personal whiteboards and Learning Checks. Learning Checks that are completed on the personal whiteboards allow a professor to interact with more students per class period and measure the understanding of the material.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Utilize Starter Questions as a review of previous lecture material or a preview of upcoming lecture material. (2) Visualize how the use of personal whiteboards increases student engagement and allows the participant to provide appropriate feedback to their students. (3) Create Learning Checks that are relative to their own discipline. Participants will be able to visualize how these Learning Checks can increase interaction with all students even in larger class sizes.
Academic Dishonesty: Shifting from Prosecution to Prevention
Zakaria Jouaibi - North Carolina Central University
This session suggests implementing course design practices and instructional strategies to prevent academic dishonesty in not only online but onsite courses as well.
Abstract: Online education has been exponentially growing thanks to the flexibility and access it provides. Thus, several colleges and universities see online education as a way to expand their programs and increase enrollment. However, with the rise of this mode of delivery, educators and the public have raised concerns about the integrity of online courses. This session suggests using course design and delivery as an innovative means to not only prevent academic dishonesty, but also permeate meaningful learning in our courses, be they online or onsite.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Explain and discuss the reasons behind academic dishonesty. (2) Identify the types of academic dishonesty prevalent in online courses. (3) Examine course design and instructional strategies to prevent academic dishonesty.
Creating Global Learning Environments: The Great Debates Project
Sonia Kapur - University of North Carolina at Asheville
Using the Collaborative Online International Learning Model I along with my partner institutions developed a course project that cultivates among students the ideas of global citizenship.
Abstract: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a method of teaching whereby students through social media and other online programs interact and collaborate across countries to build a deeper, sustained and cross-cultural understanding of the issues under discussion. Using COIL, along with faculty from other Institutions based in other countries we developed the Great Debates Project. This paper presentation will share ideas which may be useful for educators who desire to create such meaningful co-learning spaces. The steps, successes and challenges of the Great Debates Project, built on the COIL model will be shared with the participants.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand and learn the basics of the COIL model. (2) Understand how to develop and create a global online learning environment. (3) Reflect on the benefits and challenges of developing a global online learning environment.
Using Grit to Measure Success in an Online Environment
Tammie Kaufman - University of Central Florida
The presentation will explore the role of Angela Duckworth’s Grit principle in determining success in the online classroom.
Abstract: The research that will be presented is a follow up study on using grit to measure success in an online classroom. It is based on data collected from students enrolled in online classes. The students were surveyed using Angela Duckworths’ (2007) Grit Principle Scale. The purpose of this research is to determine whether having grit effects a student’s success in an online environment. This research is part of a study which has an end goal of an assessment of what type of student will be successful in an online classroom.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Familiarized Duckworth’s Grit Principle Theory and the theory’s relationship with online learning. (2) Determine what type of student is more likely to be successful in an online classroom. (3) Learn from other participants about variables that lead to success in an online classroom.
Explanatory Thinking Using Mobile Devices in a Non-Science Majors Course
Lisa Kenyon - Wright State University
Engage with mobile devices and app-based activities as meaningful tools to learn science. Learn how we modified a biology course to construct explanatory media models.
Abstract: We modified an existing Biology of Food non-science majors biology course to include iPads and app-based activities as meaningful tools for science learning. Students constructed Explain Everything media models that included free-hand sketch diagram, animation, and narration to explain concepts around the biology of food such as “How and why does food travel to my cells?” Attendees will participate in small groups using our iPads to construct an explanatory model using the Explain Everything app. We will share our explanatory thinking framework, student examples, and how these activities parallel our course along with the insights we have gained.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe how technology can be used in meaningful activities. (2) Create explanatory media models using the Explain Everything app for mobile devices. (3) List three ways explanatory thinking activities can be applied to one’s own discipline.
Intentional Student Learning Community Design as a High-Impact Practice
Stephen LeBeau, April Tallant, Jeanne Dulworth, and Charlotte Scott - Western Carolina University
An opportunity to review an intentionally designed learning community from idea to recruitment to orientation to implementation.
Abstract: This session will provide some lessons learned from an intentionally designed learning community, from concept to completion, with an emphasis on meeting the needs of specific undergraduate students. Participants will also have the opportunity to talk with students from the learning community. The learning community, #socialchange, included four clustered classes over two semesters, active learning, field trips, and coordinated assignments. Designed for Honors College students at a regional public institution, #socialchange provided liberal studies credits, almost one-third of the required Honors credits required to graduate, and a living learning community for first year students.
Learning Outcomes: (1) State factors that influence student self-selection into learning communities. (2) Identify a potential audience at their campus along with stakeholders and partners that play a role in intentional learning community design. (3) Complete elements of a check list of considerations for intentional learning community design.
Does Hybrid Structure Matter? Comparing Student Approaches to Completing Content
Jennifer Louten and Laura Beth Daws - Kennesaw State University
We will talk about the relationship between the structure of hybrid courses, completion of asynchronous content, and student achievement in the course.
Abstract: We will present the results of a study that explored how students performed on exams in senior-level hybrid classes in Biology and Communication, focusing on the impact of online lecture videos, whether or not they completed the content before an exam, and how close to the deadline students watched the required lecture videos. Although the hybrid courses were structured similarly, there were key differences between the courses that seemed to influence how students performed and how they approached the asynchronous materials required in the course. In both courses, the length of the videos did not correlate with viewer retention rate.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize discipline- and course-specific variables that might influence how students approach asynchronous content in hybrid classes. (2) Identify ways to edit their own hybrid and online classes to maximize the possibility that students will watch them. (3) Learn about methods of tracking student interaction with online material using YouTube analytics and the D2L Brightspace learning management system.
Working Across Disciplines to Design Strategies for Teaching Statistics
Lisa Martin - Mercy College
Faculty from two disciplines, mathematics and nursing, collaborated to teach elementary statistics nursing students. Faculty reflect on the practices used, successes, and challenges of collaboration.
Abstract: Nursing students have described their concerns about taking statistics using terms such as “fear,” “dread,” and “misery.” Yet, numeracy skills are required for proficiency in nursing activities, such as administering medications and assessing research. Faculty from two disciplines, mathematics and nursing, collaborated in teaching a section of elementary statistics to a cohort of nursing students and continuously reflected on successes and challenges. The classroom strategies included formative review, slow-paced teaching, integration of medical and nursing concepts, practice exams, and an application project. Students performed well and end-of-course surveys indicated student satisfaction as well.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify a process for collaboration across disciplines. (2) Consider advantages and disadvantages of across-discipline collaboration. (3) Describe several high-impact practices that may contribute to success in collaboration.
Re-Framing Our Discussions
Lillian McEnery - University of Houston, Clear Lake
Join us in an interactive session exploring several different ways of framing discussions in the college classroom. Participants will practice various approaches for facilitating robust discussions.
Abstract: Much research tells us that students learn more effectively when they participate in well facilitated discussions (Linneman, 2019). In our undergraduate methods class, we model for students different ways to frame group discussions. Just a few of the frames we employ include Every other turn, Building on that, One word connect, Playing devil’s advocate, In this day and age, to name a few. Participants in this session will engage in using several frames to discuss and analyze a key piece of text and have the opportunity to hear candidates’ thoughts on using the frames over a six week period.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify various approaches for enriching class discussions. (2) Identify various frames to use in classrooms discussions. (3) Identify several interactive activities for possible use in the college classroom.
The New Matrix: Integrating Sustainability into How Business Students Make Decisions
Maung Min and Laura Cruz - Penn State University
This study evaluates the effectiveness of case-based pedagogical strategies intended to integrate a sustainability decision-making mindset for business students (and future business leaders).
Abstract: Universities have struggled to find meaningful ways to integrate sustainability concepts across the curriculum, especially in the business discipline. Our project seeks to address this challenge by assessing the effects of introducing sustainability concepts in a business management course using a case-based approach to both the pedagogy and the assessment. We present our results in the form of a case study and invite participants to consider strategies for integrating sustainable thinking in their own disciplines.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Engage with a case study regarding how we teach (and students learn) sustainable decision-making. (2) Assess the effectiveness of evidence-based practice in integrative teaching and learning, especially in the context of business management. (3) Enhance their teaching toolkit to include strategies for integrating sustainability across the curriculum.
E-Learning Equity: Increasing Online Success for At-Risk College Students
Stacy Moore - Central Piedmont Community College
Explore the benefits of designing and implementing exciting and culturally responsive online strategies to meet the needs of a diverse e-learning community.
Abstract: Many high school graduates are still often underprepared for college. Some of these students come from ethnically diverse high poverty urban areas. Academic success in online classes is often lower than in traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms. Arguably there is a correlation between socioeconomic status and online academic performance and perhaps a lack of equity in e-learning. Designing and implementing exciting and culturally responsive online courses that stress student/teacher relationships, collaboration, and communication while also addressing multiple learning styles can help. By employing this approach, colleges can better serve all students and strive for higher rates of e-learning success.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Define at-risk students in online courses. (2) Identify the benefits of culturally responsive pedagogy in an online setting. (3) Demonstrate multiple best practices for online course design and implementation.
Adding a Computational Component to a Traditional Linear Algebra Course
Diana Morris - University of Virginia
We explored the effects of adding an optional one-credit lab using software to complement a traditional Algebra course.
Abstract: Linear Algebra introduces basic topics in matrix theory and linear systems. Abstract concepts are essential to the class, but because all computations are done by hand, students are limited to simplified problems they would seldom encounter in real applications. We created a one-credit lab that interested students could take to complement the usual 3-credit course. Every major topic in the regular course had a corresponding MATLAB assignment. Assignments ranged from computing sophisticated examples to larger, exploratory projects. We attempted to measure whether lab students’ math self-efficacy changed over the semester compared to students in the regular course.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Foresee some of the obstacles in implementing technology in a highly traditional math program. (2) Describe some strategies for incorporating MATLAB into linear algebra. (3) Discuss the benefits and challenges of the addition of technology.
Future Educators Navigating a World of New Technologies
Sarah Murray and Candace Wentz - Centre College
This session suggests a framework for preparing future educators to navigate a world of new technologies for learning, teaching, and managing complex decision-making roles.
Abstract: How do educators keep up in today’s fast pace world? An educator must always assume the roles of student and teacher. As students, educators embrace the necessity for life-long learning within an ever-changing global and technological world. As teachers, educators pass on the desire to gain new knowledge. This session suggests a framework for preparing future educators to navigate a world of new technologies. Community-based learning, research, reflection, communication, and collaboration are key elements of this framework. The presenter will share her experience facilitating a community of learners in their journey to discover new technologies for themselves and their students.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Reflect on the advantages and challenges of community-based learning. (2) Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using an electronic notebook as a shared collaboration tool for use both within and outside of the classroom. (3) Evaluate a proposed framework for preparing future educators to navigate new technologies.
Argumentation in Quantitative Courses to Engage Diverse Learners
Teneal Pardue - Queens University of Charlotte
Incorporating argumentation into quantitative courses is shown to promote better understanding of course content while offering diverse learners a non-computational approach to numeric scenarios.
Abstract: In a teaching experiment, introductory statistics students learned to write data-based arguments like those in real-world decision-making. Students “learned to argue” but also “argued to learn;” i.e., through argumentation they gained a better understanding of course concepts. Student work and feedback showed that argumentation allowed students to interact with the course content in a way that drew upon verbal rather than computational strengths. In this presentation, we will examine how: 1) argumentation was incorporated into a statistics course, 2) these activities can benefit diverse learners, and 3) argumentation can be applied to other quantitative scenarios.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Learn how argumentation can be used in courses with a quantitative component. (2) Identify benefits of argumentation for all students, especially diverse learners. (3) Apply argumentation to other quantitative courses such as economics, chemistry, physics, and accounting.
How Can That Be? Motivating Learning Through Counterintuition
Mike Pinter - Belmont University
Easily understood ideas or problems that have surprising solutions can serve as a vehicle to catch student attention and spark interest in learning.
Abstract: This session invites an exploration into possible uses of problems/situations/readings that lead to results which go against the intuition of most students. In order to serve as a catalyst for session participants, several problems and topics presented will have demonstrable results that likely are counter to what most people expect. The topics do not require any specific problem-solving background; in that regard, they offer potential for participants to broadly consider critical thinking opportunities for students across disciplines and academic levels. We will include some relevant teaching and learning resources that support the basic ideas presented.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand some examples whose results may initially be counterintuitive. (2) Generate examples for use with their students to engage with surprising results. (3) Connect ideas such as cognitive dissonance to their student learning outcomes.
Implementation of a “Writing Ladder” Through a Multi-Course Project
Kelly Pittman - University of the Incarnate Word
Literature suggests a correlation between writing across disciplines and grade levels to improve professional writing skills. “Writing-ladders” and adaptable rubrics aid this process.
Abstract: Sequenced writing assignments, which we refer to as “writing ladders,” improve data interpretation and professional writing skills by setting clear and familiar instructions building upon previously learned skills. We created a sequenced writing assignment for three business courses; with each “ladder,” project expectations shifted to place greater emphasis on the professionalism of the writing. We also developed a series of adaptable grading rubrics to guide students across the sequenced courses. Similar assignments could be implemented across a variety of disciplines as a tool for improving student writing outcomes. Two semesters of student research yielded positive results in student writing performance.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Create a course map for a writing ladders within their discipline. (2) Develop an adaptable grading rubric for written assignments. (3) Evaluate examples of student progress from one year of implementation.
The Common Thread: Designing Online Course Environments for Multi-Section Courses
Ashley Roccamo - American University
This session shares strategies for designing cohesive online learning environments for multi-section foundational courses as a way to increase the quality of students’ shared experience.
Abstract: In an age of increasing accountability, educators must ensure that students enrolled in multi-section, introductory courses receive comparable educational experiences. In foundational programs, consistency across all sections is key for future student success. The online environment is often overlooked as a tool for structuring and strengthening this consistency. This session presents evidence supporting consistent online learning environments for standardized courses and the contributions of these environments to overall course quality. This session will share scalable methods for design and quality assurance with practical examples. Instructors will learn about the benefits of this strategy and methods appropriate for their home institutions.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe the benefits of designing a common online environment for multi-section, standardized courses. (2) Outline ways to design for a cohesive online learning experience in a large program. (3) Weigh various methods for designing for large programs against the needs and resources of their home institutions.
You’re Not Done Yet: Using Portfolios as Final Assessments
Wendy Rockne - Bridgewater State University
The use of portfolios as a final assessment encourages revision and metacognitive reflection. It also enhances student learning and reinforces progress towards meeting course objectives.
Abstract: Portfolio assessments encourage students to revisit, re-think and revise their work after it has been submitted and graded. Portfolio work teaches them to use instructor feedback, in conjunction with self-evaluation and metacognitive reflection, to revise their “final” drafts at the end of the semester. The final product is intended to be a more refined, sophisticated version of the students’ earlier work that more closely represents the students’ true competencies. By assigning final portfolios in lieu of traditional exams or papers, instructors can see student progress and mastery of course objectives while providing students the opportunity to present their best work.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify the key characteristics of effective portfolios. (2) Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of using portfolio assessments as final exams. (3) Evaluate the ways in which portfolio assessments can be used to enhance student learning.
Ensuring Balanced Faculty Evaluation
Ken Ryalls - The Idea Center
Using student feedback on teaching is difficult. We will discuss using student feedback and peer and self evaluations fairly, with an eye toward faculty development.
Abstract: Most colleges use some form of student feedback, usually end-of-course student ratings, in an attempt to gather student perceptions of faculty teaching effectiveness. This student feedback is then incorporated into the faculty evaluation process, often in a clumsy or unfair way. We will discuss effective and fair ways of using SRI data, including issues of survey quality, dealing with bias, and effective inclusion of peer and self-evaluations and into the decision-making process. The entire process will be presented with an eye toward faculty development, attempting to eliminate the punitive nature of the process that often occurs.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand effective student ratings. (2) Learn to blend student ratings with other forms of assessment. (3) Develop a fair faculty evaluation process.
Mentoring First Generation Students: The Prior Learning Connection
Kent Seaver - University of Texas at Dallas
For first-generation students, college success has been improved by using Prior Learning. What few people know is the role mentoring plays to aid this process.
Abstract: The success first-generation and Hispanic students have had with the Prior Learning Assessments Program (PLA) is widely known, but that instrument is only one tool in their continued student success. At many colleges, early and continued mentoring on campus, with meaningful interaction and measurable metrics, allows for greater understanding of the higher education landscape, and can allow a continual chain of energetic Latino scholars to educate incoming students about PLA and how it can aid in continued student success. Mentoring has been successful at the educational and corporate levels, but the relationship between PLA and mentoring is a new phenomenon.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Build effective relationships that emphasize academic, and career growth. (2) Navigate the college environment with the goals of graduation and career placement as priorities. (3) Replicate the process by becoming mentors to others who have the same need.
Peer Mentoring: A Key Factor for Academic Success
Lisa Sheehan-Smith - Middle Tennessee State University
During this interactive presentation participants will obtain a backgrounder on peer mentoring followed by practical information for developing their own program.
Abstract: Mentoring typically involves the planned pairing of someone with more knowledge/skill with an individual who has less. This mentoring program uses a three-part model. Students are mentored twice and serve as mentors once. This unique, yet structured approach has included 116 students over a two-year time frame. It includes: (1) a mentoring lesson, (2) obtaining information to match mentees with their mentors, (3) class time for most mentoring sessions, (4) signed agreements, (5) journaling, and (6) a culminating reflection paper. Based upon initial course evaluations, students rated their experiences beneficial and stated they will seek out future mentoring experiences.
Learning Outcomes: (1) State the purpose and benefits of peer mentoring in an academic setting. (2) Outline the key components for building a structured program. (3) Plan a successful peer mentoring program to meet the needs of their own academic setting.
Learn AACC: Project to Increase Personal Responsibility and Academic Success
Shyamala Sivalingam - Anne Arundel Community College
Learn how small modifications made in everyday learning helped the students in General Chemistry class to take personal responsibility and achieve success in the course.
Abstract: This presentation will summarize the LEARN AACC project based on “On Course” principles which is a professional development for the faculty to devise and implement strategies to help students be successful in the course. The best practices used to help students take personal responsibility for their learning will be discussed. Qualitative and quantitative data regarding the impact on student success and retention will be presented. How this project can be implemented for any course or discipline will be discussed.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Modify and implement the project to meet the needs of their own diverse group of students. (2) Apply the best practices that could be adapted in their classroom. (3) Learn the strategies to help their students take personal responsibility for their learning and academic success.
Effective Teaching: Adding Flavor with Kahoot! A Game Based Platform
Amy Smith - Belmont University
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform for any subject, any age, and any learning environment that engages all learners and provides assessment for all instructors.
Abstract: How do you define an “effective” teacher? Does the definition include being entertained? Does the definition change if the learning environment changes? No matter the answer, engaging students by way of an entertaining classroom often creates students who are, in fact, engaged. And, those who are engaged are more involved - in that they contribute to classroom activities, are more attentive, are conscientious, and are interested in learning. Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that creates engaged students. Kahoot! is one more tool in the effective teacher’s toolbox to create an engaged student.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Appreciate how game based learning can lead to student engagement and instructor effectiveness. (2) Design a Kahoot! to be used in their classroom, which will include determining which type of game (quiz, jumble, survey, or discussion) to create and the delivery method for same. (3) Understand and analyze the assessment data provided by Kahoot!
Teaching with Technology: Free Tech Tools to Energize and Engage Your Students
Kathryn Smith - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Engage with technology tools and explore ways they can be meaningfully integrated into your courses.
Abstract: In this interactive session, participants will engage with multiple free technology tools and explore ways these technologies can be meaningfully integrated into a session at their home institution. Participants should leave this session with multiple technologies tools that can easily be added into an upcoming classroom session.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Develop a toolbox of free educational technology tools that can be easily implemented in higher education classroom settings. (2) Examine the use of educational technologies in the lecture/classroom setting and how it can make learning more engaging and fun for both students and faculty. (3) Identify one educational technology presented and how they can immediately incorporate the use into an upcoming lecture.
The Use of Critical Reflection for Learning, Engagement and Development
Sequetta Sweet - Stockton University
Critical reflection through journaling and collaborative discussions is a powerful augmentation to other classroom activities used to enhance student experiential learning and leadership development.
Abstract: One approach to enhancing students’ experiential leadership practice is the use of critical reflection using journaling and collaborative discussions. Critical reflection through journaling and collaborative discussions is a powerful augmentation to other classroom activities used to enhance student experiential learning and leadership development and change the culture of the classroom, allowing students to think critically, desire to express themselves freely and feel motivated to engage in deeper levels of learning. Self-reflection and collaborative inquiry can be used in classrooms to assist students in developing as leaders and promote an environment of self-awareness and deep learning that may lead individual transformation.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Discuss and describe a variety of approaches to critical reflection and reflective inquiry activities inside the classroom or as assignments outside of the classroom, recognizing how these approaches are facilitated and what outcomes are produced. (2) Identify and address challenges that are encountered when facilitating these approaches in a classroom setting or outside of classroom assignments. (3) Design approaches to critical reflection and reflective inquiry to invoke deep level learning in leadership (or other topics of study).
Does a Practicum Influence Graduate Outcomes in an Online Program?
Nancy Szwydek and Kathleen Sobel - Purdue University Global
The challenges and processes of incorporating a practicum into an online billing and coding program to aid students in meeting career goals are presented.
Abstract: The choice for students to enroll in an online program varies but often entails the desire to complete all coursework virtually, and to have flexibility to complete work based on life circumstances and events. The incorporation of an onsite practicum into a fully online program presents multiple challenges which includes but is not limited to student buy-in and finding appropriate host sites. The value of the practicing professional skills as well as the influence in making career decisions outweigh the obstacles and challenges.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify challenges in implementing an onsite practicum or job shadowing experience when delivering an online program. (2) Explore potential options of delivering virtual practical experiences. (3) Consider methods of gathering feedback for future program revisions.
Mistakes Teachers Make: Handling Missteps and Misjudgments in the Classroom
Tay Keong Tan - Radford University
A candid discussion among educators on the art and science of mistakes, and the evidence-based strategies to prevent and effectively recover from them.
Abstract: Even with specialized knowledge and the experience of practice, educators routinely make mistakes; courses are badly designed, sensitive discussion poorly facilitated, and grades wrongly assigned. We live in a mistake-phobic culture, where mistakes are frown upon rather than used as an impetus for learning and growth. How can we respond with integrity when mistakes are made? What evidence-based best practices can help us deal with missteps and misjudgment? How can effective recovery and honest learning be fostered when mistakes were made? This is a candid discussion on the art and science of dealing with mistakes, and how educators can handle them honestly and humanely.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand some evidence-based strategies on how to handle mistakes in the classroom and courses. (2) Apply some of these strategies to prevent mistakes in their own professional and personal practice. (3) Apply some strategies on recovering from their missteps and misjudgment.
Evolution of Course Redesign Toward Research Design and Assessment (Timeline)
Traci Temple, Dan Spencer, and Chris Willis - North Carolina State University
Presentation outlining the evolution of a course redesign initiative from a focus on solving instructional design challenges to a focus on research design and assessment.
Abstract: Since 2007, the Distance Education and Learning Technology department has led the Course Redesign Initiative at our institution, providing resources for faculty wanting to solve instructional challenges and build student success in undergraduate gateway and critical path courses. However, and similar to many colleges and universities, the initiative began with limited resources to help with instructional design and assessment. The session will provide a visual timeline of the evolution of how the Planning and Assessment team evolved the course redesign initiative within the department from a focus on solving instructional design challenges to a focus on research design and assessment.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Discuss ways in which over time and via cross-disciplinary collaboration, valid research methods can be used in practice. (2) Develop their own strategies for addressing challenges of assessing initiatives when resources (staff and monetary) are limited. (3) Apply approaches for assessing teaching and learning for supporting instructors’ interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning, and publishing their experiences and findings.
What, How, and When: Assessing Student Learning After Course Redesign
Traci Temple, Chris Willis, and Dan Spencer - North Carolina State University
Learn to expand your assessment “toolbox”; when and how to acquire data; and example measurement tools for determining course redesign’s impact on student learning.
Abstract: Professors want their students to succeed. Yet, not all instructors have the time or the support of assessment professionals to help them measure the impact of their teaching efforts on student success. A team of assessment experts share their knowledge and real-world examples of methods for obtaining data, and effective measurement instruments used to assess the impact course redesign methods and principles have on undergraduate student learning, perceptions and motivation. The think-pair-share session will provide in depth discussions, examples, and takeaways for when and how to acquire data and what to measure for meeting learning objectives.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Discuss when and how to acquire data to gain an accurate insight into student learning outcomes and perceptions. (2) Outline the measurement constructs needed to accurately assess course redesign objectives using grounded methods and principles. (3) Understand the process involved in developing their own methods and validated instruments for measuring student learning outcomes.
Academic Anxiety: What Is It and How Can You Help Students Cope
Theresa Thomas - Blue Ridge Community College
What is Academic Anxiety? Come learn tips and tricks for coping and how to create your own student workshop back on your campus.
Abstract: Ever wonder why seemingly capable, strong students are not successful in college? Academic anxiety could be the culprit. Come find out the definition, the symptoms and causes of academic anxiety and learn tips and strategies that can support and teach students how to cope and overcome academic anxiety in college and be rock stars in your class. Attendees will learn survey techniques, support activities and leave with the tools needed to conduct their own “academic anxiety workshop” on their campus.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Assist students in identifying academic anxiety with surveys and conversations. (2) Teach students tips to cope and overcome Academic anxiety. (3) Conduct an Academic Anxiety workshop on their own campus.
Helping Our Students to Become Better Procrastinators
Katherine Troyer - Trinity University
What if the solution to academic procrastination is embracement not eradication? This presentation considers how existing teaching practices can be enhanced through a pro-procrastination framework.
Abstract: Procrastination is academia’s dirty secret—we all do it but none of us like to talk about it. Studies, unsurprisingly, show that procrastination is rampant amongst university students (and also faculty). As instructors, we often tell our students to not procrastinate and to start on projects weeks in advance...but why? What if instead we embraced our inner procrastinators and encouraged our students to do the same? This presentation explores the potential creative and critical benefits of procrastination and discusses how instructors can encourage students to become better versions of their procrastinating-selves rather than just feeling guilty about their “imperfections.”
Learning Outcomes: (1) Discuss the ways that academic procrastination can yield desirable and constructive behaviors and ideas in and out of the classroom. (2) Explore how a transparent model of learning and teaching can be used to help ensure that academic procrastination—which will occur regardless—can be become a tool rather than a hindrance for students. (3) Develop ideas for how to transform a course/assignment by ‘building in’ expectations of procrastination.
Engaging in and Facilitating Meaningful Discussions in Every Discipline
Chris Wilcoxen, Amanda Steiner, and Julie Bell - University of Nebraska Omaha
Looking for ways to break out of routine lectures? Instructional strategies can be used to facilitate meaningful discussions that promote students’ critical thinking.
Abstract: How do you facilitate discussion about text, and why is discussion important? Every discipline utilizes text (e.g., graphs, novels, articles, questions, and videos). Students need to engage not only with the text, but also with each other through discussion in order to think critically and make course content meaningful to themselves. This interactive presentation will highlight a minimum of five instructional strategies to enhance class discussions.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify ways to encourage and facilitate meaningful discussion about text. (2) Apply and implement strategies learned to your own discipline. (3) Introduced to and interact with six text discussion strategies.
Collaborative Team Teaching in Sport Business and Hospitality Management Programs
Dene Williamson and Leon Mohan - Saint Leo University
The focus will provide examples of collaborating and developing an approach to team teaching without compromising the learning outcomes and objectives for a specific discipline.
Abstract: The focus of the presentation will provide examples of collaborating and developing an approach to team teaching without compromising the learning outcomes and objectives for their specific discipline, but rather focus on how these objectives and disciplines can be cross referenced within teaching. Additionally, a progression of the curriculum will be discussed and examples will include an introductory level (Facility Management, SPB 230) course within the Sport Business Program and an upper division course (Meetings & Event Management, IHT 330) for the International Hospitality Program. The presentation will provide perspectives from both professors.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Discuss progression of the curriculum. (2) Understand how learning outcomes might be different for curriculum but blending disciplines can benefit students with different majors. (3) Learn how two professors have spent time collaborating and developing an approach to team teaching without compromising the learning outcomes and objectives for their specific discipline.
Digital Literacy: A New 21st Century Student Learning Outcome
Cecile Yancu and Bart Ganzert - Winston Salem State University
This workshop focuses on building digital proficiency. Attendees will learn the language of digital literacy and develop multidisciplinary, practice assignments with embedded digital literacy skills.
Abstract: The new digital age has transformed the global economy into one based on technology and rooted in knowledge production. Going forward, proficiency with digital mediums is essential. This session is designed to support attendees as they develop multidisciplinary, digital skills-building exercises, and generate assessment strategies and evaluation rubrics for these digital assignments. Attendees will transform existing traditional class assignments such as reports and presentations into a digital format, while maintaining essential skills learning outcomes such as critical thinking, information literacy and written communication. Adobe Spark and WIX are examples of tools and learning strategies to be examined.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Recognize the unique language of digital literacy and digital mediums and the impact of its mastery for today’s undergraduates; tomorrow’s workforce. (2) Identify dynamic ways to embed digital literacy skills-building into their pedagogy as a way to help undergraduates become more adept in their use of the digital medium as a powerful communications tool. (3) Create at least one digital skill-building assignment with a suitable assessment strategy.
Student Mindset in General Education Stem Classes
Suzanne Braunschweig, Kalman Nanes, and Elizabeth Stanwyck - University of Maryland Baltimore County
Surveys of student mindset shift often focus on STEM majors. Can student mindset of non-science majors in general education STEM classes be shifted as well?
Abstract: Non-STEM students perceive science and math as intrinsically difficult. Using validated surveys (Glynn et. al., 2011; Libarkin, 2001), we are investigating student mindset (Dweck, 2006) and attitudes. In fall 2016, we administered pre and post surveys in science and math general education courses at UMBC, measuring intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, self-determination, mindset, and attitudes about science. Students showed a significant gain in all question categories between pre and post scores, but there were no significant differences in gains across demographic groups. We administered a revised survey in spring 2018. We anticipate implementing classroom interventions to encourage students towards a growth mindset.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand fixed vs. growth mindset. (2) Consider what contributes to student mindset and attitude. (3) Have intervention strategies for fostering a growth mindset in general education classes STEM classes.
Preparing Students for Discipline-Specific Writing through Explicit Genre Comparison
Aaron Cole - University of North Carolina at Pembroke
This workshop will discuss the adaptation of a genre comparison exercise that will effectively prepare students to engage with discipline-specific composition assignments.
Abstract: The session will focus on exploring some of the largest obstacles that student writers face when composing in various disciplines in order to begin adapting a genre comparison exercise as a potential alleviation. Participants will be guided through a sample genre comparison exercise for a FYC course that is based on foundational genre writing principles, and they will later discuss how the exercise may be altered and implemented in their own courses to assist students in transferring prior composition skills into new writing contexts through a deeper understanding of the concept of genre.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand the benefit of explicit genre comparison in preparing students for writing assignments that may be in unfamiliar contexts. (2) Explore difficulties that students face when composing in various disciplines. (3) Begin identifying potential barriers and formulating solutions for implementing a genre comparison exercise in their courses.
Sustaining or Initiating Your Faculty Learning Community Program
Milt Cox - Miami University
Many colleges and universities have faculty learning communities (FLCs) as part of their development programs. We will discuss questions about building and sustaining FLCs.
Abstract: Many colleges and universities have faculty learning communities (FLCs) as part of their faculty/educational development programs. Research results about the effectiveness of FLC impact on faculty and staff participants, student learning, and implementation strategies are helpful in designing, implementing, and sustaining FLCs. At our table we will discuss 16 recommendations for building and sustaining FLCs and FLC programs. We will provide opportunities for participants to ask questions about FLCs and meet others who are working with initiating or facilitating FLC Programs on their campuses.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Describe 16 recommendations for building and sustaining FLC programs. (2) Provide some solutions for questions you have about FLCs. (3) Take home some resources about working with FLCs.
Modifying FACTs for Online Teaching
Emily Faulconer - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
We will explore how formative assessment classroom techniques can be modified for the asynchronous online classroom.
Abstract: The National Science Teachers Association has numerous publications of formative assessment techniques that are “tried and true”. However, many of these are not obviously transferable to the asynchronous online learning environment. This session will explore ways to modify FACTS for online teaching.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify evidence-based formative assessment techniques. (2) Identify aspects of asynchronous online education that impact formative assessment. (3) Hypothesize modifications to existing FACTs.
Mindfulness Curricula in Health Education: The What, Why, and How
Eve Hoover - Midwestern University
This presentation will explore DO, MD, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, and Physician Assistant programs that have incorporated resilience strategies into the curriculum.
Abstract: Graduate education is a highly demanding and rigorous experience, often associated with increased rates of student stress, depression and burnout. Despite a student’s ability to retain knowledge and develop skills, chronic stress and burnout can be detrimental to academic and professional success when students do not have effective personal resilience strategies. Educators have the power to support student success by developing strategies to effectively teach and enhance resilience in their students. Many health education programs have implemented mindfulness curricula, in varying capacities, with the purpose of supporting student success. Attendees will learn multiple resilience techniques during the interactive session.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify levels and impact of stress in graduate students and practicing clinicians. (2) Define resilience, mindfulness and decentering. (3) Analyze mindfulness curricula incorporated into medical, nursing, veterinary, and physician assistant programs with attention to the similarities and differences of each.
Collaborative Team Teaching in Sport Business and Hospitality Management Programs
Leon Mohan and Dene Williamson - Saint Leo University
This presentation will provide examples of collaborating and developing an approach to team teaching without compromising the learning outcomes and objectives.
Abstract: The focus of the presentation will provide examples of collaborating and developing an approach to team teaching without compromising the learning outcomes and objectives for their specific discipline, but rather focus on how these objectives and disciplines can be cross referenced within teaching. Additionally, a progression of the curriculum will be discussed and examples will include an introductory level course within the Sport Business Program and an upper division course for the International Hospitality Program. The presentation will provide perspectives from both professors.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Examples of collaborating and developing an approach to team teaching. (2) Have a better understanding of active learning while blending two disciplines. (3) Provide guidelines for keeping specific learning outcomes while team teaching.
On the Rise and In the Way: Anxiety and Depression
Wendy Rockne - Bridgewater State University
Participants will discuss strategies and best practices for recognizing and dealing with—and helping students deal with—anxiety and depression in the college classroom.
Abstract: Today, traditional college students who suffer from anxiety and/or depression are likely used to having accommodations made for them in school, but they are probably not used to advocating for themselves. They might not have developed age-appropriate coping strategies; avoidance may be their only strategy. Faculty are encouraged to consider ways in which they can accommodate the needs of all students while still meeting their course objectives. Faculty should understand that they don’t have to compromise themselves, their assignments, or their course content to do this effectively. It can be as simple as offering flexible assessments or reevaluating attendance policies.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Discuss the factors that may be contributing to the sharp rise in diagnosed and self-identified cases of anxiety and/or depression in college students. (2) Assess the current classroom environment and pedagogy to determine what is getting in the way of anxious/depressed students’ success. (3) Propose possible innovations in classroom environment and pedagogy to improve learning and success among students with anxiety and depression.
Enhancing Student and Community Engagement in a Commuter Campus Library: Hosting an Art Exhibit that Promotes Scholarship and Library Services
Rebecca Rose, Teresa Nesbitt, and Allison Galloup - University of North Georgia
This presentation discusses promoting library awareness, student scholarship, and community building via hosting an upcoming student art exhibition at a small commuter campus.
Abstract: This presentation discusses promoting library awareness, student scholarship, and community building via hosting an upcoming student art exhibition at a small commuter campus. Student art qualifies as valid material for submission to the peer reviewed student journal, Papers & Publications, the university’s institutional repository, and to local and state annual student research conferences. The presenters were awarded a Presidential innovation grant that will impact the 2019 exhibit. Participants will brainstorm on assignment ideas that encourage student participation, and explore ways to work creatively with campus librarians to engage students in scholarship.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Understand that academic librarian/faculty partnerships can engage and benefit students. (2) Formulate and describe assignment ideas that can familiarize students with services at their academic library. (3) Assess the applicability of library assignment ideas that are suggested in the session for their students and institution.
Beyond the Degree, Fostering Professionalism
Robyn Sears and Deborah Black - Midwestern University
This discussion will focus on student professionalism, correlation to professionalism in future practice and potential remediation in a “Think Pair Share” format.
Abstract: A review of literature shows a correlation between professionalism in students enrolled in health science programs and their future professionalism as clinicians or health care providers. Providing guidance and remediation to students can be challenging, yet is imperative to encourage and promote behaviors expected in graduates in health care positions. We will provide a background correlating lack of student professionalism in health science education as a predictor for future lack of professionalism. We will discuss lapses in professionalism we have encountered as faculty. Finally, we will consider professionalism issues other educators have experienced, and potential interventions and remediation techniques.
Learning Outcomes: (1) Identify expected professional behaviors in health science students. (2) Understanding of the correlation between unprofessional behavior during health science education and future work practice. (3) Formulate potential solutions to student professionalism issues through collaboration with other educators.