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Gladys Childs is the new Dean of Freshman at Texas Wesleyan University.  Prior to this, she served as the Interim Dean for the School of Arts and Letters and Chair of the Religion Department. She has been teaching at Texas Wesleyan for almost two decades and was given the Golden Ruler Award by the students for excellence in teaching.  Gladys is an international speaker at conferences and campus workshops on how to improve pedagogical techniques.  During the past 10 years she has focused on helping professors around the country develop a learner centered approach to teaching.  Gladys has published numerous articles on pedagogy and learner centered teaching.


Teach Like a Rockstar: Simple Techniques to Engage and Motivate Students

Participants will learn easy and fun pedagogical tools to engage and motivate students from the first day in the class through the last. 


Abstract: Teaching is very much like an acting performance — you are trying to engage the interests of the students, push them to consider concepts or ideas they haven’t thought of before, elicit emotional responses, and make them want more. During this session, participants will learn pedagogical tools to engage and motivate students from the first day in the class through the last. Through the use of music, conditioning, self-disclosure, magic and more, participants will experience what a typical class can be transformed into. 


Session Objectives: (1) Learn how to grab students’ attention and keep it. (2) Expand pedagogical tools to aid student focus and class buy in. (3) Learn how to develop a classroom milieu that supports student motivation and responsibility.




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